Sunday, August 10, 2008

So happy

Sleep until 1++pm.When I woke up,I just smell the cigarette all around the room.Don't misunderstand,not from me,is from uncle(my landlord). These few days I have burned night oil continuosly,so tired~Last night I just slept from 8pm to 1am,then slept again from 5am till 1pm.I know many of you saying I am abnormal.But I'm trying to change it back,ok??!!

Teng Teng came and asked me that want to go shopping or not.It is because she thought to buy things and brought thing by trolley.Since I already planned to shopping today,why not??!!At first think to buy some clothes again,but since Teng Teng is bringing the trolley,so next time lo~I did not buy the grocery things,but something I have to buy today:

Yaya,it's [Mary Poppins].I have found this movie long long time.I can't find in M'sia.Then since I came to Sydney,I'm just waiting it's has discount.Finally,it's on sales now.Now it's only cost $12.99,around RM36(recently the exchange rate is dropping).Those who know me well also know I am supporter of 'economic' disc,but this movie,I really want to buy the original.Now I really happy.This movie is definately nice.Have you watch it??

There is cloudy this morning and rain too.But around 2pm,the sun only came out abit.Who know when it's around 4pm,it's raining again...under the sun.The shape of rain is like needle,so horrible~~But maybe rain under sun,I saw a half rainbow.Yup,it's just half of the rainbow....

Not feeling well today.Flu+sore throut+headache,so suffer now....Go sleep lo~~

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