Friday, March 30, 2007

HK restaurant in City???

Today I walked too much.I want to walk around to see whether got any vacancy..Unfortunately,NO!!But i found another thing---there is a new restaurant in City and it sell HK food!!!I feel excited when I saw this.I like HK food since last time I was in Subang.That time got KIM GARY in Sunway Pyramid.I go there everytime I go Pyramid. I go Kim Gary when I shopping at Sg Wang too..

Since I reach Sydney, honestly to say that I din found a HK restaurant here.Now,I found 1..haha..The taste ma...tell u after I try la...


Thx Doris for ur kuih...I like the taste..

Thursday, March 29, 2007


I have no idea what happen to me recently.I become so sensitive,especially sensitive about phone call.Is it since last week,when i received the bad news about Mdm yap???

Last sat,I received nga's call.When I answered the call,she only said :"Jie,call back.FAST!!!" then hung up.She even dun let me speak one word.I started nervous.That time I was at home,and no house phone to use.I faster used my handphone called back,because I scared.Who knows,my little sis only wan to chat with me coz she felt so boring in shop.I was like "..."

Today,I found that mummy called me yesterday.I think maybe that time I din hear my hp rang.I looked at the call time.OMG!!!11++pm!!!I din realize that is Australia time tat time.I only think that is m'sia time and normally my family sleep at 11pm.I wonder why mummy call me at that late time..I started nervous again.I faster called back again..and the because my 'sensitivity' again...

Can somebody tell me tat what happen to me???My dear FRENS,so please try not to call me when it is late.I cant suffer any tiny 'surprise' recently.

Doris is sleeping in my room now without telling my landlord.SHhhhhh....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


wasai!!!When I am taking my shower just now,I suddenly felt something passed over my legs.I am shocked and put on my specs.S**t!!!it's cockroach.Luckily I almost done that time.I faster off the water and rush back to my own room.Then I use all thick thick magazine to block the door.I dun wan the cockroach come into my room.there is midnight time,all my housemates fall asleep,if not,the cockroach no chance to enjoy anymore.I sure will hit it badly....hah..people bathing and it also wan to bath???no way!!!luckily I was trained my brave in the previous yr.If not,I think I will scream like other gals...tat time,sure my housemates all wake up by me...*&(&&^#%!


Monday, March 26, 2007

Doris coming...

aiyoyo,my alarm having problem again.It slower half hour and make me wake up late.I was wake up by Doris's call.I faster get off the 'devil'(bed) .After brushing my teeth,I started to prepare lunch and waited Doris to come.

When Doris arrived,I make her a cup of coffee and then we watched movie in my room.Luckily my housemates all working and no one else in my house.We can laugh as we can and no body complain.Before today,I think I am the crazy people,but who knows ,today I met my 'sifu' lo..Doris seems crazier than me.She can start laughing when the show starts till the show ends.GENG!!!PEI FU PEI FU!!!

I seldom cooking and dun say cook for someone else.Today I cooked the herbal soup and chicken giblet as lunch to welcome Doris lo...The comment part,of coz let the her to say la...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

my 1HOUR!!!

Remember last Oct I said that GOD 'borrow' my 1 hour???and finally i get back my 1 hour.Now,Sydney is 2 hours faster than M'sia.

It's quite trouble for me cause I need to adjust all my hp,clock,alarm,watches...but nvm,as long as i 'get back' my 1 hour,which mean that I can sleep 1 more hour today loo...haha

It keeps raining these 2 days and windy outside.Although it is autumn now,I can feel the winter weather lo...Anyway,no matter where you are,please do take care of urself and people around u ya^^

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Back to Sydney already 1 month lo.Actually I quite contraditory.I feel the time pass so fast coz now already 1 month since I came back Sydney.On the other hand,I feel the time pass so slow coz now only 1 month,I still need to wait how long to going back ipoh again???

I feel better today,maybe is because I cried all the bad feeling out yesterday.The truth already happened and NOBODY can change anything now.I lost a teacher now but I get back 2 frens who I lost contact with them long time ago.It still have good thing.

Friday, March 23, 2007

teacher,hope u R.I.P...

Just received call from my fren---mun wai.He is my primary school friend and actually we have lost contact for a long time.I feel quite surprise when i received his call.He brought a bad news for me.He told me that my teacher,Mdm Yap has passed away.He asked me whether I can go to my teacher's house in these 2 days or not.When i heard this news,I really dunno what to do.I really feel like rushing back that time but what to do.I am in Sydney now.Anyway,Wai,thx for telling me this,at least,u let me know the bad news.

I cant decribe my bad feeling after i hang up then phone.I really feel sad,especially after Melvin called me,I getting worse.Melvin asked me dun be sad and promised me that he will try to go toMdm Yap's house in these 2 days.I try so hard to control my tears but I will cry out if I receive one more call.I sms my mum and tell her the bad news,and also ask her see what can she do.But I think my mum will not be going there cause it still not a good place,right??

Honestly,I feel so sad now cause I built a long and strong relationship with my teacher.Mdm Yap teached me since I was in kindergarden.When I started studying in primary school,she became my tuition teacher that time.She treat me as her own daughter.We have so many memories,no matter good or bad memories,I really miss them.Although I always listen those ppl said the bad things about Mdm Yap,I dun care what they are saying cause I know Mdm Yap really treat me well.It already enough for me.What for me to listen those 'rumor'??

When I entered the secondary school,I getting less and less time meet Mdm yap,but I will send card to her whenever there is a special events.For example,CNY.I sent her a CNY card and who knows,that is the last card that Mdm Yap received from me.

I remember last yr uncle(Mdm Yap's hubby) told me that Mdm Yap just near the 'hell' and luckily she is saved and recovered.But,now....Life really unexpected....

Mdm Yap,hope U R.I.P.I know you will understand my situation.I promise you that I will try to be stong as you expected.I also hope mdm yap's family can stay strong...

Thursday, March 22, 2007


There are too many stuff having sales this week in Franklins.I bought 6 choc because it is $3++ each and now only $1.79 each.Very cheap,right???Then the chips,i bought 4 bags in $1.99 each.There is $2-3 in usual day.I can imagine that I will gain weight recently since i buy so many juck food today.

Gain weight not only the disadvantage,another disadvantage is,I need to carry so many thing back.There are heavy.Luckily I wear slippers today,not high-heel

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

NO water???!!!!

Just now I think of taking my bath.When I turn the water tap,eee...why water so small even I open the biggest...The shower also same condition.I still taking bath under this bad condition.The water getting smaller,I afraid there was no water then.I give up already.I wore back my clothes.I really scare if there was no water after I apply the shampoo.

I asked Jenny,my housemate, that whether she facing same problem when she bathe.She answered me :"NO".She told me that everything is ok when she bathing.She even tried to turn on the water tape in kitchen,and the water still small.We wonder the reason cause we din saw any notice say tat today no water service and so on.I just think that,if the contidition still carry on,then I cant take my bath today.

Luckily almost half hour later,the water become normal...THX god!!!I can bath now....

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Oh lips... lips now is now swollen just because of PRAWNS!!!I am allergy to prawns and i know that earlier but i still eat prawns yesterday.Yesterday there was prawns in my laksa and i ate them.I SHOULDN'T eat them!!!SHOULD'T!!!now my lips.....

Actually I dunno since when i know that I am allergy to prawn.I remembered last time when I was a small girl.When i was sleeping one day,I feel uncomfortable to my lips.Then I looked at the mirror,I was shocked.My lips are swollen,serious.I woke up mummy and she scared when she looked at me.She faster brought me to see doctor.Who knows,the doctor 'WA!!!" when he saw me...I feel so upset that time coz he is the doctor,a professional,how can he express those emotion to me!!!!Doctor asked me whether I was bite by bee and of coz no.then I refresh my memory,I only ate prawn that day,nothing else.From that day,I know that I am allergy to prawn.Since that day, I AVOID eating prawn...(actually another reason is....I am lazy)

OMG!!!Hope I can get well soon...It's really ugly....

Today lesson:"I WONT EAT PRAWNS AGAIN!!!"

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Doris said today is to celebrate she found a new job.So, she make Sarawak Laksa for us.huh,we did many preparations for this.We almost use whole afternoon,just to do the preparations.My hand so tired because of the chicken slices.

our ingredians for Laksa,looks like buffet,right???

Laksa!!yummy yummy

1..2..3..say cheese^^

Have u ever see people wearing sunglasses when they cut the chili???

eat lo!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

every people getting unusual~

I am curios what happened to everyone today...everyone around me just getting unusual,especially our ms. Doris.She laugh whole day eventhough there is just a small deal.Is it maybe coz she pass her undang test???

the funniest thing today is,Doris almost get wrong train when we on the way back.Dunno where she know that there is 1 min left of the train to Summer Hill.She juz ran to the platform,of coz,i followed her ran too.She just rush in a train on the left side.I suddenly wonder that why she enter that train,coz normally we take the train on the right side.I quickly looked at the screen and it did not show that Summer Hill.OMG!!!I faster shout to Doris.Luckily she came out right before the door closed.We laugh so long for this.If Doris cant come out,then we need to meet in other station.wahaha...luckily i SMART^^

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Main character----herbal soup

wahaha..i juz found that i treat myself so nice this whole week.I make sushi last few days and today i cook herbal soup.there is a long time i din drink herbal soup,and the taste....Mmmm...yummy^^

wan to have some???

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Finally today I use my only courage to call back shop.My sis ans me.I wonder why she is in shop that time coz usually she is at school.Then she told me that she having 1 week holiday,so stay in shoplo...good too...although she not really helpful in shop,at least,some one stay inside the shop if mummy need to away for while.

mummy told me that she feel ok now.She think that it's not the big deal so decided not telling me about she fall down.My heard released a bit.She wont know my feeling wan.Although it's not the big deal,but when u know ur dearest having problem,somemore is from other's mouth,how sad u will feel???I juz released a bit,not fully released unless I see her my own eyes.mummy said that it's my driver fault.the driver din notice ppl around and move the pipe outside the shop.Mummy kicked the pipe accidentally and fall down.Luckily my pipe machine is movable,if not,mummy said she cant save her head lo...Mummy non-stop telling me that she is fine now and bla bla bla.I know she said that is to make me stop worrying but no use for me.Like I said,unless I see her myself then I only can fully released.

She cant imagine how my feeling when I talking phone with her.I try very hard to control my tear.If not,so ugly if crying in front of public.

mummy,I really miss u....

Monday, March 12, 2007

Think of SOMEBODY...

there is raining outside now..."di...da...di...da..."those sound is nice to hear but make people feel sad.Look outside,there is a plane in the sky and its light is on.I just imagine the airplane light as meteor.I quickly close my eyes and made my wish.I hope that I can stand beside you once I open eyes.But when I open my eyes,of course I still stay where i stay.Truth is truth.I now is in reality,not dreamland.

I staring the photo which is displayed in my screen now.Our photo....We are not really smiling happily in that picture,but warm,my heart feel warm when i see this photo.I remember not long before,I always ask yougo out with me,lying u when walking.I only want the feeling u give me,the unique feeling.

Yesterday,I heard that u fall down and get hurt.I feel very sad,u know???U never tell me about this.If u tell me by urself,I will feel sad too.but now,u din tell me 1 word about this and other ppl told me that,i feel double sad,really....I really feel that I take my reture air ticket and rush to the airport ,then go back m'sia,but...i know u wont happy if i do tis,will u???

mummy,I am so confused now.tell me,what should I do???

Sunday, March 11, 2007

the KIDS nowadays...

Can somebody tell me,What is CHILDREN thinking nowadays???I have NO idea of it.Is it because I am too OLD now??Oh please,I only 22.I just dunno why I cant understand what they are thinking.I felt that my mind is very difference with the child now.

Remember last year,there is several case about the teenagers ran away from home.I remember got 2 girls ran away from house,and their reason---"LOVE".One of them only 13 years old.OMG!!!Even they finally "sent" back by their bf's parents,they still think that they ran away from home is RIGHT.How STUPID is it!!!They only 10++ years old,do they qualify to say "LOVE"???Definately,NO!!!If I were their parents,I won't let them back since their heart already fly away.I am angry!!!really angry!!!Why recently those kids so selfish and BRAINLESS???They only think of themselves.When they think to do something,do they think along with their family feelings??Will they know how sad do their parents??How pity if have a child like this...I really cant forgive this kind of people,really.The 2 STUPID kids are sent back by the bf's parents because the bf's parents hope that their son not to be sued.The 2 girls' parents juz agreed with that.If I were the girls' parents,sorry,NO!!!I won't forgive them and still sued them,definately WILL.

I just wonder is it the parents nowadays let their baby drinking what B1 bla bla bla milk powder???Those milk powder always said that can make the children cleverer.Ya,I admit that nowadays the children is cleverer than us.Just because of this,the children think that they know things well.They know how to judge what is right and what is wrong.But they dunno that we not only need the clever brain to judge a thing,we need experience too.They 'fly' too fast.I really feel I am lucky cause I am 80's baby.I learned things step by step,better to those kids,at least I know how stupid is run away from home.

Wonder why I talk so many today?Actually I just read one of my cousin's friendster.She posted that she hate her home and she will run away from home one day.I really cant believe that I have a relative that have this STUPID mind.I can imagine how hurt do my uncle and aunty if they read what their daughter said.If one day,my cousin really run away,sorry to say this,I WONT FORGIVE HER and WONT FEEL SYMPATHY of her.This cousin,honestly to said that I not very like her since I was a kid.She has no manner and like to interupt when people talking,even she only 5 years old.I dislike her attitude.Now she growing bigger and WORSE.She think that she is big enough,she can think wisely and ignore what we said.If I not mistaken,she has many 'bf' (I mention again,she only 15 this year).Why I put 'bf' ?It is because her 'bf' can be a boy or a girl.She study in girl school.Normally student from girl school make people think that they not very 'hua chi'(sry,i dunno how to said in eng) then 'L'(lesbian).Luckily I know some friend from girl school al normal people.Unfortunately,my cousin is 'L',she admit in front of me.I really angry when i heard this but I din speak out that time.I was speechless that time...My aunt found the truth last time when she check my cousin's handphone.She asked my cousin,then my cousin just only reply that:"yala..yala..i will think when i grow up la...".My aunt din say anything more.My aunt asked my mother,see whether I can advise her daughter or not since I am the eldest cousin and she know her daughter scare me sometimes.But she dunno that not only me,my 'kai mui' also advise her daughter several times but her daughter just ignore us,what can we do???Her daughter not my sis,if not,I think I already slap her,or kill her,maybe.I tried to tell my cousin that choose friend wisely cause she is the type that can go out with anyone,especially internet friend.I asked her be careful and she asked me not to worry because she know how to protect her virgin.OMG!!!She totally misunderstood my meaning.I din said virgin not important,but safety is the main issue and more important.We wont know the real people from net.It is very dangerous if the friend is crazy people.She just ignore me and I dunno what to say....My cousin always said that her parents tie her so tight,but she dunno that,the truth always the opposite site.I hardly to see her parents scold children,especially my aunt.My aunt is a very soft people.She seldom scold people,and really hard to see her bit her children.Even she is very angry and bit her children,if is softer than we killed mosquito.I am telling the truth.I remember last time I admired so much,I hope my parents also like my aunt,but now,I feel I am lucky to have the parents treat me so tight,at least,I never do something that very wrong.

Anyway,I have no idea what I can do recently,just see how then lo...

I was taking nap just now.I have a wonderful dream.Maybe I just finish watching [hana kimi] last few days.I dream of the characters.The dream is like this: Rui Xi(Ella) is shopping in shopping mall with her dad.She is wearing girlie top and skirt and choosing man wears in man department.Her classmates---Nan and YangYang see her but they just think is a girl who looks like Rui Xi.My dream ends here.OMG!!!What a dream I had!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

CAN'T reconize my friend!!!

Yesterday I was browsing one of my friend's blog.I saw many photos in her blog.When I saw those photos,I almost faint that time.I saw many friends that I have lost contact with them since we graduated in secondary school.4 years didn't see them,many of them look different.Remember last time we almost meet each others everyday in school,and most of them same class with me 3 years,same school 6 years.But now,I can't recognize them at all.I feel How stupid I am...I can imagine that if one day I meet them in street,I sure can't reconize them at all unless they call me first.I have to said it honestly,I really can't accept the truth when I saw those photos,I need a long time to let myself become normal.CIS!!!

I know finally know why people always say that FRIEND need to contact in a period,this friendship only can continue.If not,this FRIENDSHIP is finish. I have one friend,I was very closed with him last time.Even after graduated,we also got phone each other sometimes.We sms each others in some special events.But now,I have long time didn't get his news.He never call me,even sms me.I felt quite dissapointed,really.Is it he really busy with work??Or he already forget he has a fren named Tze Yeen???Or he now got girlfriend then no need friend???

So,my dear friend,can u please contact me if u see this???

Friday, March 09, 2007

my dinner today~

"deng deng deng deng!!!"Introduce to all of u,this is my dinner tonight.Can guess what is it???it's PANMEE la..I made it myself wan!!!surprise???I think most of my frens feel surprise coz i seldom enter kitchen,then now suddenly said that tis PANMEE is made myself.

I have a long time din make this.I suddenly feel like eating this then i juz make it.Maybe i have a period din make tis,mayb the ingrediants problem,I juz feel the taste is different with last time i make in M'sia.I think is because the water lo...coz when i cooked the soup,i feel the taste weird.but overall,the taste still ACCEPTABLE.

oh ya,juz now my landlord suddenly talked to me.She said recently the weather so cold,juz like the winter weather.Then I replied her:"yalo..recently not too cold then too hot lo.."u know wut???tat time i was wearing sleeveless shirt and short pants and she wearing long sleeve shirt and long pants....I quite paiseh when i reply her tat the weather is cold(since i not very think like tat)...hehe^^

(Pasar mlm day again....i miss laksa,pearl milk tea la....tauke,can u deliver to me????)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

[Lucky Strike]

Today i found an interesting tv prog which called [Lucky Strike](开运鉴定团).This tw show hosting by Tony Sun xie zhi and Jin Wen.It is all about fate and destiny.There is some expert explain the fate in different way.It includes Zi Wei Dou Shu(紫微斗数),Zodiac and name,Horoscope and Tarot.All i can say tis show is RIGHT!!!OMG!!!Wut those expert said all right,especailly Tarot.

Got time must watch this show o~~

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

BAD news!!!

There is a long time I din read M'sia news.I juz spend my time to browse Sinchew website to know what is happening there.I can say there is only BAD news there...

Today Sumantra there got earthquake again,twice a day.It reach 6.6.Luckily it din cause Tsunami happened.M'sia and Singapore got few places can feel the aftershocks.Dunno Ipoh there can feel o not..I hope not...It's too late now and I better call my family tmr.Dunno this time got how many ppl sacrify in Sumantra again...

Then another local news is,Deman Denggi is quite serious in Perak,especially Manjong.huh...i think i better ask my family take notice of tis...

Another sad news happened last few days.I juz know tat there is a car accident happened in KL and involve 8tv crew's car.I heard that the 8tv crew's car crash a lorry and 2 ppl are sacrified this time.One of them is only 20 years old.20 years,it's really short life,but what can we do??we cant change the fact tat alr happened,right???

Human have no choice to avoid "DEATH".People always say tat "human can avoid birth,old,sick and death".In my opinion,the statement is wrong.Ppl actually can avoid birth,old and sick,except death.Surprise what I say???If ppl avoid to give birth,she can do abortion.If ppl wan to avoid old and sick,he will suicide.He think suiside is the best way to avoid old and sick,he think he can 'win' the GOD!!!how STUPID is this kind of ppl!!! I rmb I heard a story before, one ppl suicide to avoid all the problem,he think he can release from those prob.Who knows,he cant' enter' hell coz he still have time in reality cant 'enter' hell and he cant return to reality.The result is,he only can be a 'you hun ye gui' (i dunno wut it called in eng)...
tat's y,dun think tat SUISIDE is the best solution for ppl avoid problem,it is the WORST solution...

Sometimes I feel I quite lucky because I am not the brave ppl.I admit that when I feel unhappy that time,especially recently,I will think about suiside.It is juz because I am not brave enough and give up this stupid idea.

Anyway,hope everyone can treasure their life...and also hope that all bad news go away!!!


Monday, March 05, 2007

my 2nd album : after make-up

CNY finally over,really moody now...I watched last month [ I Guess],there is a part that asked audience choose the gal who has the less difference before and after make-up among 5 girls.OMG!!!i really cant believe that a girl can have big difference before and after make-up.Some people looks pretty when they put make-up,but when they remove the make-up, comment...

This make me think of last time.I put make-up when I attend my cousin's wedding dinner.After dinner,Nga and me taking photo everywhere.I put 1 of the pic as my MSN display pic.Then I met my fren who no contact for long time in MSN.I said "Hellp" to him but guess what he reply me???He ask me whether i greet wrong ppl or not,and he also ask me whether I am Malaysian or not.huh!!!I really upset and dissapointed tat time.How dare he ask me those stupid question.He is the 1 say that we are "sei dong"(best fren) he din recognise me???After few days,I changed my display pic.This time,I put the pic when i was working in shop(without make-up).My fren only know who am I.OMG!!!I really look big difference before and after make-up???

Haih..forget it..I now think like taking myself photo.This time,i think to learn those "mui mui chai" taking photo,but my skill still not good.Let u see those pic i took..

I use webcam and my phone to take photos today.See wut is the difference??

1)Using webcam

2) Using my Phone

3) This photo also took it with phone.I feel this photo is the best among all.U know why??It is because the brightness is dark and it cant see my face clearly...wahaha

Any comment???

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy Chap Goh Mei!!!

So fast,today is the last day of CNY this year.After today,we need to wait 1 more year then only can celebrate it.

I went to Doris's house to celebrate Chap Goh Mei since we both stay at home alone.Doris suggested making sushi.I cant rmb how long did i not having sushi.But,izzit weird for using SUSHI to celebrate Chap Goh Mei..wahaha^^

We went to Ashfield Mall to buy the ingrediants.Suddenly a white guy came approach us.He is from church.We tried not bother him.He suddenly use Cantonese to ask us understand Cantonese or not.Then i straightly answer him:"NO!!!"Actually I not very like those ppl.Sry for my mannerless.We went to McD straightly.We having lunch there.

We bought a lot of ingrediants,such as cucumber,salmon,seaweed and so on.We started to prepare when we reached home.Our main chef--Doris asked me do some preparation 1st since she feel so hot and planned to take bath 1st.

See!!our main chef so serious!!!

do youwan to have some???

sry,too late,i am eating now!!!

The sushi's taste not bad.We watching hk drama while eating Sushi..Suddenly,door bell rang.We feel surprise.Doris looked outside,it was too dark outside and cant see the ppl's face.We scared ppl come to complain us about on our speaker too loud.We faster turn off our volumn.But when the door opened,we only know that is David coming back.Cheh!!!Make us too curious.David called me "AUNTY" when he saw me,cis!!!he dunno my hairstlye got good comment by many ppl.I wont blame him for his "UNCLE"'s view wan...hehe^^


I juz receive my mum's call.I wonder wut serious things.But,she only wan to know where are A-DO and Rene come from!!!She said daddy is arguing with her.Aiyo,i am speechless now!!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


I feel better today...thx choon theen for ur call yesterday,thx feng for ur concern,thx cheauer for ur msg...i really feel warm when i know this,

I am now listening to Yida's [complete performance],eating tasteless maggi mee(now i only know that how blessed to be Malaysian,even maggi mee also tastier in M'sia),the wind blowing from outside.I feel quite relax now.

I was told by my fren juz now that she was touched when she reading my yesterday blog and her tear almost drops out tat time.OMG!!!I juz write what I am thinking and I never think that got ppl will get touched of what I wrote.Looks like I also have potential to be a author besides of artist o~(zodiac books also said that GEMINI ppl suitable to be author)

So glad to hear that got frens reading my blog,get touched by me...but,i still hope that,next time i am using happy thing to touch ur heart,not the opposite...really..