Thursday, July 02, 2009

A tiring Thursday~

Today woke up a bit earlier...but need to pack the things then still late for work.But when I reached restaurant,no dishes left there.At first I think to eat some rice but end up..still have to eat breads.

Yazi came to find me when I'm still working.She brought the Bangladesh guy along.Too bad I didn't see him clear that time.So I just went to find them in Darling Harbour after work.Yazi told me they are in the shopping mall when I called her but we can't find her there.Then when I gave up looking for her,we just found them sitting outside..cis!!!Then we decided just sitting behind them and then pretent so 'coincidentally' lo...haha^^ Yazi asked us go for coffee.I know 'some1' not really like to go,but then Yazi asked few more times,we went together lo...That Bangladesh quite talkative la...then others....I did not find it.We left there earlier cause we still have our next appoinment.

Met Laura and her friend,Shinnas to have dinner at Pancakes on the Rocks.She said she wanna bring her friend for a try.When our train reached Circular Quay,there's fireworks there.We have no idea what's going on.The fireworks so NICEeeeee~~~~

We ordered some food on the Pancakes House.So full~~~~We also walked around Circular Quay there.We only left around 10pm.

The milkshake looks urghhh~

Greek Salad,Tandoori Pizza,Chicken & Mushroom crepe,Ribeye Steak~

Of course we won't miss their famous---Pancakes(Hot n' Troppo,Choc Jewels)!!!

East M'sia Gang!!

West M'sia gang!!!wahaha^^

The night view of Circular Quay...too dark...not as nice as Darling Harbour

Have to sleep early today because tomorrow still have to stay 1 whole day~~~~


Laura Hii said...

Wahahahah,..u damn fast still my photos XD

btw, thank u so much for everything. we have a great time at Sydney!

y3en a.K.a aLisOn said...

of coz fast la...coz i already waited for few days wo...haha^^ now i still waiting for the concert photos lo...hehe

wait for ur next visit in Syd...maybe after Doris's back??!!