Wednesday, September 09, 2009


I guess many of you have tried Japanese Sake before.But how many people try Korean Soju?!Actually there's many Japanese,Korean restaurants around the City but we merely try them because we always think it's not enough to fill our stomach.Today we just went [B.B.Q City],a Korean restaurant around the place for dinner.We just feel ordering a Soju for a try.We only know there's 20% of alcohol in Soju.

The menu made me think of 'PIRATE'!!^^

Korean Soju, there's 20% of alcohol

Guess what's inside??It's rice!!!


Seafood pancakes

Spicy Chicken

Don't stare me la!!!I know you damn hungry!!!^^

Let's start!!!

Today is 090909...Once in a thousand years.I bet there's lots of couple will choose to marry on this special days.haha^^ Any program for you??!!

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