Sunday, January 06, 2008


Another case again!!Yesterday got an article said that a 15 years old girl just followed her newly boyfriend and left home.What the world it is now??!!Are the teenagers now become terrible like this??!!I just left '1' not so long,why the mind so different with them.I really get angry when I talked about this issue because there is a similar case around me(but haven't reached "leave home").I know a girl.She always complain that her parents are too strict to her.But she doesn't know actually she is the most happiness girl.Don't say hit,her parents even less scold her.Really a precious at home.But her mind..I don't dare to say it's wrong,but I confirmed it's not healthy.She like to have unhealthy relationships.She always think that she is big enough and can do many many things.Just her parents not allow her to do so.And she always think that her parent is law enforcement official and do many things.She thinks no one will bully her with that.But she doesn't know,this is the STUPIDEST think.Chinese people said that "it's parent's guilty if they don't teach their child".I really understand now.When she is small, her parents just too dote on her.Now,she just so rebel.Her parents just think to teach her now.But really too late.People besides like us,we just said what we can say,did what can we do.She just like listened it or not.Her parents did more than us,but she still insist what she's thinking,just like her parents are harming her.If she know how many times her mum cried behind her,will she regret what she had done on her parents??Sometimes we see her mum talk with us with sadness and disappointment,we also feel sad. If people say children is to collect the previous life 'debt' from her parents,is it too over??!!If YOU are the one who I am talking too(although I know the possibility is small),can you please really think that YOU are come to hurt your parents??!!

Last time I always not syok that parents just too strict too me,but now,I just feel I am happiness to have strict parents.At least,I still have healthy mind.Daddy Mummy,Thanks~~

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