Tuesday, January 19, 2010

[Two World] of Chang Ko Fan

过了今晚 在也留不住你
迟早要洗去 我脸颊上的唇印
你和我约定 到了明天谁都不许再提起
你轻轻的留给我 这深深的回忆
甜言蜜语 迟早都会说尽
这段属於黑夜的爱情 注定要蒸发阳光底
爱上了不该爱的人 连伤心都会来不及
两个世界的代表作品 就是命运
我虽然很有勇气 但却放不下自尊心
时钟 滴滴答答 滴滴答答 我还盲目的拥抱你
希望把这一刻时间 永远的锁在黑夜里

I found this just now and it's just attract my attention.After listening,I really feel the world has changed.The idol last time has the ability too.The idol now really can't compete with them.This song is composed by KoFan himself,and played himself and also sang himself....LIVE!!!Although it's after so many years,still can hear he sang this with the feeling(I feel so touch when listening)...I really hope they can be together...I really have to change my view about Chang Ko Fan start now~~~

1 comment:

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