Monday, February 19, 2007

aNg pAu!!

Like the previous year,my whole family going to my 2nd uncle's(father's side) and my grandpa's(mother's side) there celebrate lo.This is my house tradition.I firstly think we are the latest family arrived my 2nd uncle's house coz when we arrived tat time alr afternoon.Who knows,my cousin later than us.Actually they gave me some surprises.Normally all my father's side relatives only give me RM2 angpau but this year,I can get RM5 from few of them.OMG!!! This is too weird for me,even mummy also surprised with this. Mayb they earn a lot last year so this yr they give more.hehe^^

My grandpa phoned us many times when we still in 2nd uncle's house.We went back Grandpa's house around 3pm.I faced another prob at grandpa's house coz my "10 yi zhang" brought his newly-married wife along.We all still confused wut to call and after discussion with his wife,we decided to call her "a yi". Philip is getting naughty days by days. He always bites me,even my backside also cant escape from him.It's pain la!!!

All my uncle and aunts back at night.We decided to have some special thing at night.10 yi zhang n our new 'a yi' greet all the elders,it's juz a ceremony.

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