Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happiest day in CNY!!!

So fast,today is the 3rd day of CNY alr.

I woke up at 8am++ today,it's too early for me but no choice.Who asked mummy promised them having breakfast together yesterday.Who knows,when we arrived Parit,my grandpa them all finish their breakfast alr and we need to take away.10 yi zhang n a yi went home 1st and left Philip with us.yeah!!!

Today many ppl came to grandpa's house,and I get a lot of angpau loo...We have lion dance today in grandpa's house.xiao jiu jiu asked me take photo and I was busy with it.I have to follow the lion dance go everyway,tired man!!!

After the lion dance,I have to go back Ipoh coz I have gathering with old classmate tonight.My mum is worry about me and she accompanied me go back.This year,can say is the most pplr join this gathering,more ppl than last year.However,the venue of gathering this yr worse than last year.The food is taste normal but expensive,guess what?A normal fish chop costs RM 15 above and a mineral water costs RM4!!!phew!!!The service also bad there.We decided to continue gathering in Lee Ping's house.I almost get lost when we went there(coz I am the driver and May is the only "guide" in my car).When we arrived there,we think we went there chat only at first,who knows,when we arrived there,others are 'gambling' tat time.We have "no choice" then we also started playing cards tat time lo..I only can said I am lucky today coz I won money today.Ma zai lose money at 1st but win back all of his money at last.quite miracle!!!

We all went back at 12am++.

Our group photo,izzit all leng chai,lenglui???

Woon Yee,Ching Mum,Foong Ne and Kai Shing

Ma Zai,Mo Tian,May and Mun Peng

KaiShing and Woon Yee,Shing Ying,Kaishing and Foong Ne,Chin ying

Eweing,Siew Yan,Lee Ping and Xiao Yan

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