Thursday, February 15, 2007


i have no idea why today there have surprises for me.

i rmb tis morning,10 yi zhang suddenly called mummy at shop and asked mummy whether see his photo in newspaper.we all wonder why.Then we only know tat he get married with his gf yesterday.Since yesterday is Valentines day,so got reporters at there too. Actually I so confused the feeling in my heart. 10 yi zhang can let down my 10 yi's death,i should be happy.But..Philip still small,i scare that after they married,will Philip leave us farther???If really like tat, i sure b the 1st ppl get hurt.Am i selfish???

Then when afternoon,i get surprised by the kitten tat stay in my shop.the kitten juz learn how to walk and it suddenly walked out.CIS!!! I scare and jump on the table,even my mum also scare of it.

In the evening, when i on the way home,there was a car suddenly rush out from juction.OMG!!!it nearly hit me man.i can say tat i was driving very carefully tat time and by law,i am not wrong.the worst thing is,tat car driver is a WOMAN.CIS!!!no wonder ppl always say tat :"WOMAN IS THE MOST DANGEROUS DRIVER IN THE WORLD",i disagree of it at first but now,i agree,juz becoz of tat woman.

Finally, today is is not the easy day for me.hope i wont have same experience again...

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