Sunday, February 18, 2007


hey hey,today is CNY!!!In the previous years,I sure will celebrate CNY with happiness,but this year difference. It is because CNY coming means that my holiday getting over and I need to go back Aus.

Ok,let's come back to the topic.This year is GOLDEN PIG year. Actually i quite boring whole afternoon.There was a lot CNY special tv programme previous year but now getting fewer and fewer.I planned to go for a movie but Woon yee need to work today and no other choice so free to accompany me.The worst thing is,I just found that there are NO ppl on9 during CNY wan,izzit they r too busy???OMG!!!Can you imagine how boring I am???

Luckily we having steamboat at night.Mummy asked 7 yi whole family came over too.U know what??Mummy promised me having steamboat at house so many years ago and now this promise only can achieved.Mummy provided many food for steamboat and we all having good times that time.

After eating steamboat,I went for a movie with Woon Yee.We watched the [Iron chef] which starring by Charmaine Sheh and Hacken Lee.This movie is not bad but I feel it quite short.

Anyway,Gong Xi Fatt Choy to everyone and "ANG PAU" mari lo!!!

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