Sunday, February 25, 2007


I have juz arrived Sydney.The 8 hours in the plane is the difficult time for me.I feel dizzy now@@.mayb I sleep uncomfortably in plane.

I can say I am lucky this time coming back to Sydney.My lugguage is overweight,it is 27.2kg,and heavier than the limit which is 20kg.I wonder why coz when i weight it in house,it haven reached 20kg but the fact is,it is 27.2kg.Luckily the MAS officer not charge me the extra charge for overweight,if not,i sure need to pay more.

When I arrived Sydney,the custom officer only scanned my lugguage and I no need to declare my things to them.It's so lucky for me coz last time i need to declare all my things and they confiscated my is my calender,sure i left it in my room,cis!!!how dare i left it!!!I have check my things several times alr....=.=

aiya,honestly,I not really feel like coming back Sydney,mayb I am obtuse???The 1st time i came to Sydney,I feel nth tat time.mayb is because it still fresh for me come alone to overseas.This time,dunno why,i feel sad,especially when i was on the way to Klang.I almost cry tat time but i successfully control my tear.I really feel sad.Family,frens,food,place,these all i also cant forget.If now got ppl treat my air ticket to go back m'sia,I sure accept it without any consideration.Anyone so generous to sponser me???(I guess no!!!)

Aiyo,change topic,change topic.if not,I scare I really cry if I continue write it.Let's talk about plane.If let me compared MAS with Singapore airlines(SQ),SQ is much more better than MAS,except the food.For MAS,the seat,service,the facilities,all worse than SQ.MAS really need a big improvement,if not,it will only continue earn loss...

Let me here to take chance to say thx to some ppl 1st.thx DADDY to fetch me to airport,thx MUMMY n TZE NGA helping me hold my heavy lugguage,thx YI ZHANG b the guide to airport,thx YI MA accompany me to collect my ticket,thx GONG GONG n PO PO go airport along,thx HUEY for helping me carry my lugguage,thx 7 YI for ur wish,and not forget,thx ALFEUS and NICHOLAS came airport to see me.A million thx to u all!!!

OK,it's finish.I feel tired and sleepy now,it's time for me meet my dear--"MR CHOW GONG" lo...nitez^^

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