Friday, August 14, 2009


Today I have no idea what happened.There is a lot of people in Chinatown.Damn busy working especially during 5pm.There is only me at the stalls.Can said is non-stop that time.Normally I only complain here.But today I really get mad!!!That aunty,I'm not the first time to complain her here.I really dislike her grating voice.But I will still reply her if she ask me sometimes.But start from today,I TOTALLY HATE HER!We already busy working,she suddenly 'knock' my back and said 'DON'T JUST WORKING THERE,YOU NEED TO LISTEN WHAT'S THE CUSTOMER WANT HERE!' This sentence really make me mad!!!If today I don't listen because I was doing nothing,I deserve any scolding.But I'm NOT!I am busy serving the customers in front of me,and if the customers aside is blocking you,why don't you just ask the customers come in front me?!Usually if we accidentally use their things,she will start saying again.Like today,there is a new girl standing at my side and she just think to refill container box and accidentally took theirs.And that stupid fellow start saying again.But she just get our lids after awhile ago.WTF!!!!(I just purposely saying HER here)I will still say that if you say me bad.I really hope she will get FIRED ASAP!!!!If I quit working 1 day,the most probably is because I stand enough for HER!!!!

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