Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Someone I have not talked long time


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(独家报导:吉隆坡 八打灵再也)“全民偶像”李桀汉(Danell)赴《第5届超级星光大道》踢馆出师不利,以14分不及格的分数败了下来。Danell坦言很难过,不过他很快就从坏心情中走出来,更表示那场比赛让他一夜长大,对未来的音乐方向有更明确的想法。

  Danell上週五赴台北参加週日(8月2日)录影的星光大道之“一对一踢馆赛”录影。Danell以西洋歌曲《Careless Whisper》PK星光选手梁晓珺,对方演唱王菲的《脸》拿下18分,而Danell却得到不及格的14分。

  Danell接受《光明娱乐》访问时神色轻松,坦然面对落败的结局。他说:“那一刻我心里只想我到底做错什么,我哪方面做得不够好 第2天自我检讨,我觉得整个过程像是一场梦。”

  拿下不及格分数,Danell当时的感觉是“怎么可能这样低 ”,带著难过的心情离开舞台。




  当天的评审分別是杜德伟、张宇、黄韵玲、袁惟仁及Roger老师。评审团给他的评语是“没有把自己的能力透过歌曲表现出来”、“高音部份有点 虚”及“只把歌唱好,没有火花”。Danell解释,他选唱《Careless Whisper》,是觉得这首歌适合他的声音。





  Danell哈哈大笑解释:“我怕他们知道我去踢馆,会带著疑惑的口吻问我真的要去吗 我担心去PK的决心因此动摇。”家人知道Danell落败后,马上打电话安慰他,好朋友还一度担心他会看不开。



There's long time I don't talk about Danell.Not because I reduce my passionate to him.I just tried not always know his updated news and make me miss him more.Just know he went for [A Million Star](超级星光大道)PK with the contestants there.I feel excited and worried.I'm happy that he finally get the chance to go oversea but I'm doubt whether he will win this time.[A Million Star] is not according the vote.I know people around me always think that he won MI2 is because of his 'rich' fans(they told me always).Everyone just think I'm fool to support him.I won't say anything.I won't deny that there's lot of people is better than him if just according the singing skill ONLY.But what I like is his whole performance and his music talent(Too bad only PINKIES found this).Aiya,let's back to the PK.I kept looking the news regard the PK after I knew this.The results came out after few days in newspaper.Danell has LOST to Celia Liang(梁晓珺).I can't wait to watch this show on net.After watching,my feeling is...It's IMPOSSIBLE to lose so terribly.He has mistake of course.I really kinda disappointed.But what I like is maybe he became a singer for years and we can see his star style.I don't want to talk so much of him.Let's talk about his PK competitor---Celia.So sorry that I completely DISLIKE this Shanghai girl,definitely not because she has beat Danell.Her 'sombong' face make me not syok and her singing style...Hmmm...How to say leh?!Can't say it's bad(not really bad),but just make me very UNCOMFORTABLE while listening her singing.At first I just think is because she not suitable singing Faye's [脸(Face)].I even purposely found her singing clips in other competitions on net.Then only found that it's her singing style.Since that minutes,I really can say I can't accept her singing style.You all can watch her clips to see whether agree me or not.

I watched the [A Million Star]'s clip 1 week before.At first I think I'm ok.But just now I found the article on top(Sorry,I won't translate that),I just can feel how disappointed Danell is.I really hope he will make this become a good experience and gambateh again.Just make the disappointment to the patrol.Danell,no matter how,you still have us!!!Pinkies support you ALWAYS~~

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