Sunday, August 02, 2009

'Handsome' Kitchen?!

There is a show called [Beautiful Cooking].Today my kitchen also got a ['Handsome' Cooking]!!Actually we talk about this for long long time,too bad no chance so far and finally today got chance.^^

We bought the ingredients this afternoon for today's dinner.Our 'chef' just busy himself in the kitchen and he refused my help and even not allowed me to watch aside.So...I only can stay in room and wait..^^

Our 'handsome' chef today

The mushroom soup with mushroom(the additional) inside

The main course: Beef and Lamb steak

Dinner without 'candle'

'Someone' asked me must write the comment here.At first I think to say it 'STRICTLY',but for the NEXT time...No la..frankly speaking,I really feel the dinner is not bad.Although the beef steak and lamb steak is kinda opposite,broccoli is kinda overcooking,potatoes is kinda tasteless,this is 'your' 1st time cooking by YOURSELF,still asking for what?!Some more,the dinner is really taste good.If 'you' want me giving mark,I think it worth 7-8 marks.Still can improve next time..

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