Thursday, March 01, 2007


I feel better today...thx choon theen for ur call yesterday,thx feng for ur concern,thx cheauer for ur msg...i really feel warm when i know this,

I am now listening to Yida's [complete performance],eating tasteless maggi mee(now i only know that how blessed to be Malaysian,even maggi mee also tastier in M'sia),the wind blowing from outside.I feel quite relax now.

I was told by my fren juz now that she was touched when she reading my yesterday blog and her tear almost drops out tat time.OMG!!!I juz write what I am thinking and I never think that got ppl will get touched of what I wrote.Looks like I also have potential to be a author besides of artist o~(zodiac books also said that GEMINI ppl suitable to be author)

So glad to hear that got frens reading my blog,get touched by me...but,i still hope that,next time i am using happy thing to touch ur heart,not the opposite...really..

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