Friday, March 16, 2007

every people getting unusual~

I am curios what happened to everyone today...everyone around me just getting unusual,especially our ms. Doris.She laugh whole day eventhough there is just a small deal.Is it maybe coz she pass her undang test???

the funniest thing today is,Doris almost get wrong train when we on the way back.Dunno where she know that there is 1 min left of the train to Summer Hill.She juz ran to the platform,of coz,i followed her ran too.She just rush in a train on the left side.I suddenly wonder that why she enter that train,coz normally we take the train on the right side.I quickly looked at the screen and it did not show that Summer Hill.OMG!!!I faster shout to Doris.Luckily she came out right before the door closed.We laugh so long for this.If Doris cant come out,then we need to meet in other station.wahaha...luckily i SMART^^

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