Monday, March 12, 2007

Think of SOMEBODY...

there is raining outside now..."di...da...di...da..."those sound is nice to hear but make people feel sad.Look outside,there is a plane in the sky and its light is on.I just imagine the airplane light as meteor.I quickly close my eyes and made my wish.I hope that I can stand beside you once I open eyes.But when I open my eyes,of course I still stay where i stay.Truth is truth.I now is in reality,not dreamland.

I staring the photo which is displayed in my screen now.Our photo....We are not really smiling happily in that picture,but warm,my heart feel warm when i see this photo.I remember not long before,I always ask yougo out with me,lying u when walking.I only want the feeling u give me,the unique feeling.

Yesterday,I heard that u fall down and get hurt.I feel very sad,u know???U never tell me about this.If u tell me by urself,I will feel sad too.but now,u din tell me 1 word about this and other ppl told me that,i feel double sad,really....I really feel that I take my reture air ticket and rush to the airport ,then go back m'sia,but...i know u wont happy if i do tis,will u???

mummy,I am so confused now.tell me,what should I do???

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