Tuesday, March 06, 2007

BAD news!!!

There is a long time I din read M'sia news.I juz spend my time to browse Sinchew website to know what is happening there.I can say there is only BAD news there...

Today Sumantra there got earthquake again,twice a day.It reach 6.6.Luckily it din cause Tsunami happened.M'sia and Singapore got few places can feel the aftershocks.Dunno Ipoh there can feel o not..I hope not...It's too late now and I better call my family tmr.Dunno this time got how many ppl sacrify in Sumantra again...

Then another local news is,Deman Denggi is quite serious in Perak,especially Manjong.huh...i think i better ask my family take notice of tis...

Another sad news happened last few days.I juz know tat there is a car accident happened in KL and involve 8tv crew's car.I heard that the 8tv crew's car crash a lorry and 2 ppl are sacrified this time.One of them is only 20 years old.20 years,it's really short life,but what can we do??we cant change the fact tat alr happened,right???

Human have no choice to avoid "DEATH".People always say tat "human can avoid birth,old,sick and death".In my opinion,the statement is wrong.Ppl actually can avoid birth,old and sick,except death.Surprise what I say???If ppl avoid to give birth,she can do abortion.If ppl wan to avoid old and sick,he will suicide.He think suiside is the best way to avoid old and sick,he think he can 'win' the GOD!!!how STUPID is this kind of ppl!!! I rmb I heard a story before, one ppl suicide to avoid all the problem,he think he can release from those prob.Who knows,he cant' enter' hell coz he still have time in reality world.how???He cant 'enter' hell and he cant return to reality.The result is,he only can be a 'you hun ye gui' (i dunno wut it called in eng)...
tat's y,dun think tat SUISIDE is the best solution for ppl avoid problem,it is the WORST solution...

Sometimes I feel I quite lucky because I am not the brave ppl.I admit that when I feel unhappy that time,especially recently,I will think about suiside.It is juz because I am not brave enough and give up this stupid idea.

Anyway,hope everyone can treasure their life...and also hope that all bad news go away!!!


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