Monday, March 05, 2007

my 2nd album : after make-up

CNY finally over,really moody now...I watched last month [ I Guess],there is a part that asked audience choose the gal who has the less difference before and after make-up among 5 girls.OMG!!!i really cant believe that a girl can have big difference before and after make-up.Some people looks pretty when they put make-up,but when they remove the make-up, comment...

This make me think of last time.I put make-up when I attend my cousin's wedding dinner.After dinner,Nga and me taking photo everywhere.I put 1 of the pic as my MSN display pic.Then I met my fren who no contact for long time in MSN.I said "Hellp" to him but guess what he reply me???He ask me whether i greet wrong ppl or not,and he also ask me whether I am Malaysian or not.huh!!!I really upset and dissapointed tat time.How dare he ask me those stupid question.He is the 1 say that we are "sei dong"(best fren) he din recognise me???After few days,I changed my display pic.This time,I put the pic when i was working in shop(without make-up).My fren only know who am I.OMG!!!I really look big difference before and after make-up???

Haih..forget it..I now think like taking myself photo.This time,i think to learn those "mui mui chai" taking photo,but my skill still not good.Let u see those pic i took..

I use webcam and my phone to take photos today.See wut is the difference??

1)Using webcam

2) Using my Phone

3) This photo also took it with phone.I feel this photo is the best among all.U know why??It is because the brightness is dark and it cant see my face clearly...wahaha

Any comment???

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