Monday, March 26, 2007

Doris coming...

aiyoyo,my alarm having problem again.It slower half hour and make me wake up late.I was wake up by Doris's call.I faster get off the 'devil'(bed) .After brushing my teeth,I started to prepare lunch and waited Doris to come.

When Doris arrived,I make her a cup of coffee and then we watched movie in my room.Luckily my housemates all working and no one else in my house.We can laugh as we can and no body complain.Before today,I think I am the crazy people,but who knows ,today I met my 'sifu' lo..Doris seems crazier than me.She can start laughing when the show starts till the show ends.GENG!!!PEI FU PEI FU!!!

I seldom cooking and dun say cook for someone else.Today I cooked the herbal soup and chicken giblet as lunch to welcome Doris lo...The comment part,of coz let the her to say la...

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