Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Finally today I use my only courage to call back shop.My sis ans me.I wonder why she is in shop that time coz usually she is at school.Then she told me that she having 1 week holiday,so stay in shoplo...good too...although she not really helpful in shop,at least,some one stay inside the shop if mummy need to away for while.

mummy told me that she feel ok now.She think that it's not the big deal so decided not telling me about she fall down.My heard released a bit.She wont know my feeling wan.Although it's not the big deal,but when u know ur dearest having problem,somemore is from other's mouth,how sad u will feel???I juz released a bit,not fully released unless I see her my own eyes.mummy said that it's my driver fault.the driver din notice ppl around and move the pipe outside the shop.Mummy kicked the pipe accidentally and fall down.Luckily my pipe machine is movable,if not,mummy said she cant save her head lo...Mummy non-stop telling me that she is fine now and bla bla bla.I know she said that is to make me stop worrying but no use for me.Like I said,unless I see her myself then I only can fully released.

She cant imagine how my feeling when I talking phone with her.I try very hard to control my tear.If not,so ugly if crying in front of public.

mummy,I really miss u....

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