Friday, March 23, 2007

teacher,hope u R.I.P...

Just received call from my fren---mun wai.He is my primary school friend and actually we have lost contact for a long time.I feel quite surprise when i received his call.He brought a bad news for me.He told me that my teacher,Mdm Yap has passed away.He asked me whether I can go to my teacher's house in these 2 days or not.When i heard this news,I really dunno what to do.I really feel like rushing back that time but what to do.I am in Sydney now.Anyway,Wai,thx for telling me this,at least,u let me know the bad news.

I cant decribe my bad feeling after i hang up then phone.I really feel sad,especially after Melvin called me,I getting worse.Melvin asked me dun be sad and promised me that he will try to go toMdm Yap's house in these 2 days.I try so hard to control my tears but I will cry out if I receive one more call.I sms my mum and tell her the bad news,and also ask her see what can she do.But I think my mum will not be going there cause it still not a good place,right??

Honestly,I feel so sad now cause I built a long and strong relationship with my teacher.Mdm Yap teached me since I was in kindergarden.When I started studying in primary school,she became my tuition teacher that time.She treat me as her own daughter.We have so many memories,no matter good or bad memories,I really miss them.Although I always listen those ppl said the bad things about Mdm Yap,I dun care what they are saying cause I know Mdm Yap really treat me well.It already enough for me.What for me to listen those 'rumor'??

When I entered the secondary school,I getting less and less time meet Mdm yap,but I will send card to her whenever there is a special events.For example,CNY.I sent her a CNY card and who knows,that is the last card that Mdm Yap received from me.

I remember last yr uncle(Mdm Yap's hubby) told me that Mdm Yap just near the 'hell' and luckily she is saved and recovered.But,now....Life really unexpected....

Mdm Yap,hope U R.I.P.I know you will understand my situation.I promise you that I will try to be stong as you expected.I also hope mdm yap's family can stay strong...

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