Saturday, October 13, 2007

Happy Hari Raya

This is the 1st "official" holiday for me since I worked so long in pasar.Feel very nice now.Today went temple with mummy,yi ma and Nga.There is smoky today.It easily get burned there.Mummy asked me represent WONG's to pray.I followed yi ma walking around.Maybe I'm holding too many incenses,when I came under the hot sun,those incenses suddenly fired and this not only happened once.Luckily yi ma helped me,she even said I so "wang"(旺).Hope so la...wahaha^^

After praying,we went First Garden there having breakfast.Philip them already waiting for us there.wahaha^^My naughty boy,I have too long time never see him,miss him very much!!When heard he said "Biao Jie",wasei,my heart already sweet sweet lo...At least..he did not forget me.At 1st we think he will follow us to Parit,who knows 10 yi zhang said Philip got concert tonight,can't follow us back already...haih..but they promised us that will go back Parit tomorrow la...

I drove grandparents back to my house 1st.When we reached home,we saw a green snake crawling my gate.OMG!!!I was wooden there.Grandpa said I was stupid wo..Of course he can say like that since he don't scare of snake ma...When grandpa went down and think to catch it,didn't know where it went already.OMG!!!I really scare.I think I won't stay at home alone again!!

We went to Tesco Extra after daddy them came back.Sometimes really not I don't want be a good granddaughter.I really don't like go shopping with old people,especially my grandparents.Grandma is because her leg not good,really can's walk too long.We can't look for what we want because we need to take care of her.Then grandpa,his legs definitely no problem.even better than us.But he is lack of patient.He always ask us back when shopping,really chase my shopping mood away.That's why I don't like shopping with them.

Today our program very full.At night,my eldest cousin brother treated us for dinner.Today food not bad,especially dessert---pudding.Its taste really different with what we make usually.Delicious~~

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