Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Last Celebration of 2007:Christmas

"We wish you a Merry Christmas...We wish you a Merry Christmas..."Hohoho~~~Merry Christmas to everyone~~

So fast,this is the last celebration of 2007.After today,need to get prepared to welcome 2008's arriving...

I have a holiday today.Long time did not wake up in my own room by myself~~(others went for work).I am the king of my house today.Just do what I want.Today I cleaned my little cupboard and found a photo album,make me think a lot.My parents' photo when dating to wedding,Nga and my baby photo and also my old photo during primary school.I was live in my memory whole morning~~

Mummy then finished work earlier today.Mummy,Nga and I decided go for shopping and having lunch outside.I heard Yan said there is a HK restaurant in JJ,called [Food & Tea Hong Kong Restaurant(欢喜地)].The food there quite similar with [Kim Gary].We ordered our food.The taste,still not bad,but I still prefer [Kim Gary].We shopped at JJ a while then went back home lo...

Santa Claus was performing magic there~

Went [Breeze] with Woon Yee and Ching Mum at night.There is full inside,so we just sat at the outside and waited for the empty table.The singer sang too loudly outside,we can't really chat there.Then we faster moved inside when see people left.Really big different and the sofa chair there really comfortable.Woon Yee and I think some special.We ordered cocktail and Ching Mum also think to order at first,who knows she order juice at the end.Ceh~My cocktail named [Blue Moon].It's nice,but I feel the Sprite little bit strong.And Woon Yee's,the coconut smell damn strong,definitely not my choice.wahaha^^ We chatted there for hours,then only went back.

Blue Moon

Best friends~~

The Christmas gift I get from [Breeze].Mummy like it very much~

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