Friday, December 07, 2007

2nd day of KL trip---Met an OLD friend

We went to Sunway Pyramid today.It just finish expending.I really wonder how it looks like now since I have years not been there.Another reason I wanted to go there cause I want to meet Shaw Fong there.

I felt Subang really changed since I left there.We reached Pyramid already afternoon time.The parking lot there quite interesting.Got a little lamp above each parking space.If the light is green,that means the space is empty.If it's red,means already got car at there.I feel it's COOL.It really helpful.We always kena tipu of those Kancil..Really hate those Kancil sometimes,always gave the fake hope for those who looking for parking.I have told that the idea is come from the reality tv show---[Kick Start].

See that red light above???

Pyramid really so big now.Some shops already move to other place.We just shopped the old wings then only new wings.We felt hungry at 4pm.Chet suggested we go Bar.B.Q there eat something.I never tried it before.Bar.B.Q is a Thai-barbecue restaurant.We ordered a family set and green tea(cause green tea can refill,FOC ma..wahaha^^).We all so full after eating.

The pot using in Bar.B.Q

After eating,Shaw Fong also finished his work and came meet me.I initially planned to walk by his working place and see his working look wan,who knows....Shaw Fong and I went to his working place---Starbucks to have some coffee.I have few years never see him already.Actually he didn't change much,except his HAIRSTYLE...haha^^We chatted about our recent life an so on.What I feel surprised is,when I said I can't stand for the smoke smell,he just use his ask me surprisingly:"You don't smoke wan meh??" That time I just feel "..."Maybe it's time for me to re-evaluate my impression to others.My image really so terrible??!!Even now my closed friend also think like that...He said I am unpredictable girl to him.I will do what other people don't think I will do....*speechless*

We just having short chat this time since he need to fetch his girlfriend then rush back to Johor.OMG!!I feel paiseh leh...He was late to fetch his girlfriend just because me...

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