Sunday, November 01, 2009


Since when I scare to chat with family?!

Since when I only bring disappointments to them,not hopes?!

Since when I like to cry?!


Don't know why I suddenly wish to lost contact with every of my family...

Although wish to hear their voice...but they just keep asking the topic that I don't want to listen everytime...

Maybe I can change the topic very fast...but still can see the disappointment on their faces...

That expression...just like a sharp knife,knob to my heart deeply again and again...

My heart is broken, my heart is bleeding...

What I can do is only switch off the light and cry under blanket...

There's so much 'sorry' keep in my heart which I don't dare to say it out...

Maybe I keep feeling my heart ache just because of this reason...

I know how useless I am but parents still make me as their proud daughter...

How much pressure I have??What can I do?? I really have NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!

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